Guru Bin Gyan Nahi


 Guru Bin Gyana Nahi...

This is an interesting conversation between Guru Ramkrishna Paramhamsa and his disciple Swami Vivekanand which reveals the true nature of Guru.
Swami Vivekanand had a natural inclination to be in meditative state of mind. He had no more desire than to be in the state of meditation, to be with the Self. Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had intuitively known the purpose of Swamiji’s life which was a mission in itself. In order to motivate Swamiji he told him a story of two sadhus.
There was a sadhu who had accomplished all types of yoga sadhana and was free of all material desires. He wandered aimlessly exploring the beautiful creation of God. During his journey he climbed a Himalayan mountain and was mesmerized by the beautiful valley which looked picturesque from the top. He was overwhelmed by its beauty and thought that this was certainly the paradise which he had heard of. At that moment he felt an urge to surrender to the divinity and jumped down from the mountain in order to be one with the Divine.
After some period, another sadhu arrived at the same spot in the Himalayas. He was also awestruck by the picturesque scene, and suddenly he turned back climbing down the mountain. He went from village to village asking people to follow him to experience the heaven on earth. He felt that if I surrender to this moment no one will know about this place and people will be deprived of this beautiful sight. Guru Ramakrishna Paramhamsa concluded saying that Swamiji should be like the second sadhu. He has to use his intellectual and spiritual power for the betterment of people. It was his mission on earth that he had to fulfil.
 The same story applies to a Guru. A person who not only gains knowledge and practices it, but also shares it with his disciples. I dedicate this story to my Guru Pandita Shama Bhateji to whom I owe everything that I know in Kathak. It is her guidance and teachings that have created my vision in Kathak. I am truly fortunate to be her disciple and will always be indebted to her.
