Pandit Birju Maharaj the Doyenne of Kathak

Contemporary and traditional...are they two different poles or two faces of the same coin? There is a general notion that contemporary is modern and traditional is that which is old and rigid. These notions are based on western contemporary dance styles and cannot be related to Indian concepts. The meaning of the word contemporary is, that which is related to current times. A contemporary concept, that strengthens the tradition can become a part of tradition in future.
I am putting forth these thoughts today as it is the birthday of Pandit Birju Maharaj, the doyenne of Kathak, whose contemporary contributions have become tradition today. Maharajji has explored the ocean of Kathak and has come up with the pearls from deep down to enhance the tradition.
Maharajji had inherited the art from his gharana. With his observation, learning ability and creative genius Maharjji has introduced new ideas and methods which have transformed Kathak in yet more beautiful art form. With the changing times Maharajji reestablished the contemporary aesthetic frame of Kathak. He visualized Kathak movements in various ways. The angular stance, the movement of neck towards and away from the hand, musicality in footwork and many such ideas were introduced in Kathak with a fresh approach by Maharajji.

His creation of innumerable gintis has set a new trend which many of us have been considering as a part of older tradition. Gintis are simple to listen but the way Maharajji has composed them in intricate lay, one has to recite and practice several times before presenting on stage. His padhant of these gintis adds character to the numbers creating the same effect with that of syllables. It was Maharajji who introduced the pose facing his back towards the audience. His explanations about his novel ideas are very intersting. Maharajji says, that his dance is in praise of Krishna, and he can see Krishna everywhere, so also on back. Thus any pose which is aesthetically beautiful can be offered to Krishna the deity central to the dance form.

All these and several other ideas were introduced by Maharajji, which he says that he found in the tradition itself. A slight shift on the foot along with hand movement created a different pose. These were the traditional movemnts and stances that were in practice earlier. Maharajji with his aesthetic sense remolded them creating innumerable possibilities to explore within the tradition. With his contemporary ideas he set new trends and laid a path for future generations to explore the tradition and tap new possibilities adding and enriching the art form. The field of Kathak will always be indebted to Maharajji's immense contribution.
